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Orb Metrics

The Orb metrics currently provided come from the various supported pktvisor handlers and are listed here by handler.
For handlers that have metric groups, the metric groups that must be enabled for the metric to exist are listed in "Metric Groups" column. any group* means that the metric will exist for any valid metric groups that is enabled.

DHCP Metrics

Check how to activate dhcp metrics

Metric Prometheus Name
Quantiles of all DHCP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second dhcp_rates_total
Total sum of all DHCP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second dhcp_rates_total_sum
Count of all DHCP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second dhcp_rates_total_count
Quantiles of all DHCP wire packets before filtering per second dhcp_rates_events
Total sum of all DHCP wire packets before filtering per second dhcp_rates_events_sum
Count of all DHCP wire packets before filtering per second dhcp_rates_events_count
Top DHCP servers dhcp_top_servers
Top DHCP clients dhcp_top_clients
Total DHCP packets with message type ACK dhcp_wire_packets_ack
Total DHCPv6 packets with message type ADVERTISE dhcp_wire_packets_advertise
Total DHCP wire packets that were sampled for deep inspection dhcp_wire_packets_deep_samples
Total DHCP packets with message type DISCOVER dhcp_wire_packets_discover
Total DHCP wire packets events dhcp_wire_packets_events
Total DHCP/DHCPv6 wire packets seen that did not match the configured filter(s) (if any) dhcp_wire_packets_filtered
Total DHCP packets with message type OFFER dhcp_wire_packets_offer
Total DHCPv6 packets with message type REPLY dhcp_wire_packets_reply
Total DHCP packets with message type REQUEST dhcp_wire_packets_request
Total DHCPv6 packets with message type REQUEST dhcp_wire_packets_request_v6
Total DHCPv6 packets with message type SOLICIT dhcp_wire_packets_solicit
DORA packet counts dhcp_wire_packets_total

DNS Metrics

Check how to activate/deactivate dns metrics


Status: Beta. The metric names and configuration options may still change

Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
Quantiles of all DNS wire packets before filtering per second dns_rates_observed_pps any group*
Count of all DNS wire packets before filtering per second dns_rates_observed_pps_count any group*
Total sum of rates for DNS packets processed by policy dns_rates_observed_pps_sum any group*
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) with the AD flag set in the response dns_authenticated_data_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) with the AA flag set in the response dns_authoritative_answer_xacts counters
Cardinality of unique QNAMES, both ingress and egress dns_cardinality_qname cardinality
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) with the CD flag set in the query dns_checking_disabled_xacts counters
Total DNS wire packets that were sampled for deep inspection dns_deep_sampled_packets any group*
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over DNSCrypt over TCP dns_dnscrypt_tcp_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over DNSCrypt over UDP dns_dnscrypt_udp_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over DNS over HTTPS dns_doh_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over DNS over QUIC dns_doq_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over DNS over TLS dns_dot_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) with the EDNS Client Subnet option set dns_ecs_xacts counters
Total DNS wire packets seen that did not match the configured filter(s) (if any) dns_filtered_packets counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over IPv4 dns_ipv4_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over IPv6 dns_ipv6_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) flagged as reply with response code NOERROR but with an empty answers section dns_nodata_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) flagged as reply with response code NOERROR dns_noerror_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) flagged as reply with response code NXDOMAIN dns_nxdomain_xacts counters
Total DNS wire packets events dns_observed_packets any group*
Total number of DNS responses that do not have a corresponding query dns_orphan_responses counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) flagged as reply with response code REFUSED dns_refused_xacts counters
Quantiles of ratio of packet sizes in a DNS transaction (reply/query) dns_response_query_size_ratio top_size
Count of ratio of packet sizes in a DNS transaction (reply/query) dns_response_query_size_ratio_count top_size
Total sum of ratio of packet sizes in a DNS transaction (reply/query) dns_response_query_size_ratio_sum top_size
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) flagged as reply with response code SRVFAIL dns_srvfail_xacts counters
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over TCP dns_tcp_xacts counters
Total number of DNS queries that timed out dns_timeout_queries counters
Top ASNs by ECS dns_top_asn_ecs_xacts top_ecs
Top EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) observed in DNS transaction dns_top_ecs_xacts top_ecs
Top GeoIP ECS locations dns_top_geo_loc_ecs_xacts top_ecs
Top QNAMES with result code NOERROR and empty answer section dns_top_nodata_xacts top_rcodes
Top QNAMES with result code NOERROR dns_top_noerror_xacts top_rcodes
Top QNAMES with result code NXDOMAIN dns_top_nxdomain_xacts top_rcodes
Top QNAMES, aggregated at a depth of two labels dns_top_qname2_xacts top_qnames
Top QNAMES, aggregated at a depth of three labels dns_top_qname3_xacts top_qnames
Top QNAMES by response volume in bytes dns_top_response_bytes top_size
Top query types dns_top_qtype_xacts top_qtypes
Top result codes dns_top_rcode_xacts top_rcodes
Top QNAMES with result code REFUSED dns_top_refused_xacts top_rcodes
Top QNAMES in transactions where host is the server and transaction speed is slower than p90 dns_top_slow_xacts xact_times
Top QNAMES with result code SRVFAIL dns_top_srvfail_xacts top_rcodes
Top UDP source port on the query side of a transaction dns_top_udp_ports_xacts top_ports
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) received over UDP dns_udp_xacts counters
Cumulative counters of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) in microseconds dns_xact_histogram_us_bucket xact_times
Counts of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) in microseconds dns_xact_histogram_us_count xact_times
Rate of all DNS transaction (reply/query) per second dns_xact_rates quantiles
Count of all DNS transaction (reply/query) per second dns_xact_rates_count quantiles
Total sum of all DNS transaction (reply/query) per second dns_xact_rates_sum quantiles
Quantiles of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) in microseconds dns_xact_time_us xact_times
Count of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) in microseconds dns_xact_time_us_count xact_times
Total sum of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) in microseconds dns_xact_time_us_sum xact_times
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) dns_xacts counters
Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
Cardinality of unique QNAMES, both ingress and egress dns_cardinality_qname cardinality
Quantiles of rates for DNS packets processed by policy dns_rates_total any group*
Total sum of rates for DNS packets processed by policy dns_rates_total_sum any group*
Count of rates for DNS packets processed by policy dns_rates_total_count any group*
Quantiles of all DNS wire packets before filtering per second dns_rates_events any group*
Total sum of all DNS wire packets before filtering per second dns_rates_events_sum any group*
Count of all DNS wire packets before filtering per second dns_rates_events_count any group*
Top ECS ASNs dns_top_asn_ecs top_ecs
Top ECS GeoIP locations dns_top_geoLoc_ecs top_ecs
Top QNAMES with response code NOERROR and no data in the response (NODATA) dns_top_nodata top_qnames
Top QNAMES with response code NXDOMAIN dns_top_nxdomain top_qnames
Top QNAMES by response volume dns_top_qname_by_resp_bytes top_qnames_details + top_qnames
Top QNAMES with result code NOERROR dns_top_noerror top_qname_details + top_qnames
Top QNAMES aggregated at a depth of two labels dns_top_qname2 top_qnames
Top QNAMES aggregated at a depth of three labels dns_top_qname3 top_qnames
Top QTYPEs dns_top_qtype any group*
Top EDNS Client Subnets (ECS) dns_top_query_ecs top_ecs
Top RCODEs dns_top_rcode any group*
Top QNAMES with response code REFUSED dns_top_refused top_qnames
Top QNAMES with response code SRVFAIL dns_top_srvfail top_qnames
Top UDP source ports of DNS queries dns_top_udp_ports top_ports
Total DNS wire packets sampled for deep inspection dns_wire_packets_deep_samples any group*
Count of DNS packets sent to policy dns_wire_packets_events any group*
Count of DNS packets filtered out by policy dns_wire_packets_filtered counters
Count of DNS packets received over IPv4 dns_wire_packets_ipv4 counters
Count of DNS packets received over IPv6 dns_wire_packets_ipv6 counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply and identified as NODATA dns_wire_packets_nodata counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply with response code NOERROR dns_wire_packets_noerror counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply with response code NXDOMAIN dns_wire_packets_nxdomain counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as query dns_wire_packets_queries counters
Count of DNS packets with EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) option set dns_wire_packets_query_ecs counters + top_ecs
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply with response code REFUSED dns_wire_packets_refused counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply dns_wire_packets_replies counters
Count of DNS packets flagged as reply with response code SRVFAIL dns_wire_packets_srvfail counters
Count of DNS packets received over TCP dns_wire_packets_tcp counters
Count of DNS packets matched by policy dns_wire_packets_total counters
Count of DNS packets received over UDP dns_wire_packets_udp counters
Total DNS wire packets received over DNS over HTTPS dns_wire_packets_doh counters (dnstap)
Total DNS wire packets received over DNS over TLS dns_wire_packets_dot counters (dnstap)
Total number of DNS transactions that timed out dns_xact_counts_timed_out dns_transaction
Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs) dns_xact_counts_total dns_transaction
Cumulative counters for the buckets of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds dns_xact_in_histogram_us_bucket dns_transaction + histograms
Count of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds dns_xact_in_histogram_us_count dns_transaction + histograms
Cumulative counters for the buckets of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds dns_xact_out_histogram_us_bucket dns_transaction + histograms
Count of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds dns_xact_out_histogram_us_count dns_transaction + histograms
Quantiles of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds dns_xact_in_quantiles_us dns_transaction + quantiles
Total sum of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds dns_xact_in_quantiles_us_sum dns_transaction + quantiles
Count of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds dns_xact_in_quantiles_us_count dns_transaction + quantiles
Top QNAMES in transactions where host is the server and transaction speed is slower than p90 dns_xact_in_top_slow dns_transaction
Total ingress DNS transactions (host is server) dns_xact_in_total dns_transaction
Quantiles of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds dns_xact_out_quantiles_us dns_transaction + quantiles
Total sum of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds dns_xact_out_quantiles_us_sum dns_transaction + quantiles
Count of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds dns_xact_out_quantiles_us_count dns_transaction + quantiles
Top QNAMES in transactions where host is the client and transaction speed is slower than p90 dns_xact_out_top_slow dns_transaction
Total egress DNS transactions (host is client) dns_xact_out_total dns_transaction
Distribution of response/query size ratios dns_xact_ratio_quantiles dns_transaction + quantiles
Total sum of response/query size ratios dns_xact_ratio_quantiles_sum dns_transaction + quantiles
Count of response/query size ratios dns_xact_ratio_quantiles_count dns_transaction + quantiles

Network Metrics

Check how to activate/deactivate network metrics


Status: Beta. The metric names and configuration options may still change

Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
IP cardinality net_cardinality_ips cardinality
Total packets that were sampled for deep inspection net_deep_sampled_packets any group*
Total packets seen that did not match the configured filter(s) (if any) net_filtered_packets counters
Count of IPv4 packets net_ipv4_packets counters
Count of IPv6 packets net_ipv6_packets counters
Total packets events generated net_observed_packets any group*
Count of packets which are not UDP or TCP net_other_l4_packets counters
Quantiles of payload sizes, in bytes net_payload_size_bytes quantiles
Count of payload sizes, in bytes net_payload_size_bytes_count quantiles
Total sum of payload sizes, in bytes net_payload_size_bytes_sum quantiles
Data rate of bits per second net_rates_bps quantiles
Count of bits per second net_rates_bps_count quantiles
Total sum of bits per second net_rates_bps_sum quantiles
Rate of all packets before filtering per second net_rates_observed_pps any group*
Count of all packets before filtering per second net_rates_observed_pps_count any group*
Total sum of all packets before filtering per second net_rates_observed_pps_sum any group*
Rate of packets per second net_rates_pps quantiles
Count of packets per second net_rates_pps_count quantiles
Total sum of packets per second net_rates_pps_sum quantiles
Count of TCP packets net_tcp_packets counters
Count of TCP SYN packets net_tcp_syn_packets counters
Top ASNs by IP net_top_asn_packets top_geo
Top GeoIP locations net_top_geo_loc_packets top_geo
Top IPv4 addresses net_top_ipv4_packets top_ips
Top IPv6 addresses net_top_ipv6_packets top_ips
Count of total packets matching the configured filter(s) net_total_packets counters
Count of UDP packets net_udp_packets counters
Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
Destination IP cardinality packets_cardinality_dst_ips_out cardinality
Source IP cardinality packets_cardinality_src_ips_in cardinality
Count of packets sampled for deep inspection packets_deep_samples any group*
Count of packets sent to policy packets_events any group*
Count of packets filtered out by policy packets_filtered counters
Count of ingress packets packets_in counters
Count of IPv4 packets packets_ipv4 counters
Count of IPv6 packets packets_ipv6 counters
Count of packets not UDP or TCP packets_other_l4 counters
Count of egress packets packets_out counters
Quantiles of packet payload sizes packets_payload_size any group*
Total sum of packet payload sizes packets_payload_size_sum any group*
Count of packet payload sizes packets_payload_size_count any group*
Count of TCP packets with SYN flag set packets_protocol_tcp_syn counters
Quantiles of ingress data rates payload_rates_bytes_in any group*
Total sum of ingress data rates payload_rates_bytes_in_sum any group*
Count of ingress data rates payload_rates_bytes_in_count any group*
Quantiles of egress data rates payload_rates_bytes_out any group*
Total sum of egress data rates payload_rates_bytes_out_sum any group*
Count of egress data rates payload_rates_bytes_out_count any group*
Quantiles of total data rates payload_rates_bytes_total any group*
Total sum of total data rates payload_rates_bytes_total_sum any group*
Count of total data rates payload_rates_bytes_total_count any group*
Quantiles of all packets before filtering in packets per second payload_rates_pps_events any group*
Total sum of all packets before filtering in packets per second payload_rates_pps_events_sum any group*
Count of all packets before filtering in packets per second payload_rates_pps_events_count any group*
Quantiles of ingress packet rates payload_rates_pps_in any group*
Total sum of ingress packet rates payload_rates_pps_in_sum any group*
Count of ingress packet rates payload_rates_pps_in_count any group*
Quantiles of egress packet rates payload_rates_pps_out any group*
Total sum of egress packet rates payload_rates_pps_out_sum any group*
Count of egress packet rates payload_rates_pps_out_count any group*
Quantiles of total packet rates payload_rates_pps_total any group*
Total sum of total packet rates payload_rates_pps_total_sum any group*
Count of total packet rates payload_rates_pps_total_count any group*
Count of TCP packets packets_tcp counters
Top ASNs packets_top_ASN top_geo
Top GeoIP locations packets_top_geoLoc top_geo
Top IPv4 IP addresses packets_top_ipv4 top_ips
Top IPv6 IP addresses packets_top_ipv6 top_ips
Count of packets matched by policy packets_total counters
Count of UDP packets packets_udp counters
Count of packets of unknown direction packets_unknown_dir counters

PCAP Metrics

Check how to activate pcap metrics

Metric Prometheus Name
Total wire packets dropped by the interface pcap_if_drops
Total wire packets dropped by the OS pcap_os_drops
Total TCP wire packets that failed reassembly pcap_tcp_reassembly_errors

BGP metrics

Check how to activate bgp metrics

Metric Prometheus Name
Quantiles of all BGP wire packets before filtering per second bgp_rates_events
Count of all BGP wire packets before filtering per second bgp_rates_events_count
Total sum of all BGP wire packets before filtering per second bgp_rates_events_sum
Quantiles of all BGP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second bgp_rates_total
Count of all BGP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second bgp_rates_total_count
Total sum of all BGP wire packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second bgp_rates_total_sum
Total BGP wire packets that were sampled for deep inspection bgp_wire_packets_deep_samples
Total BGP wire packets events bgp_wire_packets_events
Total BGP wire packets seen that did not match the configured filter(s) (if any) bgp_wire_packets_filtered
Total BGP packets with message type KEEPALIVE bgp_wire_packets_keepalive
Total BGP packets with message type NOTIFICATION bgp_wire_packets_notification
Total BGP packets with message type UPDATE bgp_wire_packets_update
Total BGP packets with message type OPEN bgp_wire_packets_open
Total BGP packets with message type ROUTEREFRESH bgp_wire_packets_routerefresh
Total BGP wire packets matching the configured filter(s) bgp_wire_packets_total

Flow metrics [BETA]

Check how to activate/deactivate flow metrics


Status: Beta. The metric names and configuration options may still change

Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
Conversations cardinality flow_cardinality_conversations cardinality + conversations
Destination IP cardinality flow_cardinality_dst_ips_out cardinality
Destination ports cardinality flow_cardinality_dst_ports_out cardinality
Source IP cardinality flow_cardinality_src_ips_in cardinality
Source ports cardinality flow_cardinality_src_ports_in cardinality
Count of in by bytes flow_in_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in IPv4 by bytes flow_in_ipv4_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in IPv4 by packets flow_in_ipv4_packets counters + by_packets
Count of in IPv6 by bytes flow_in_ipv6_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in IPv6 by packets flow_in_ipv6_packets counters + by_packets
Count of in by bytes which are not UDP or TCP flow_in_other_l4_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in by packtes which are not UDP or TCP flow_in_other_l4_packets counters + by_packets
Count of in by packets flow_in_packets counters + by_packets
Count of in TCP by bytes flow_in_tcp_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in TCP by packets flow_in_tcp_packets counters + by_packets
Count of in UDP by bytes flow_in_udp_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of in UDP by packets flow_in_udp_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out by bytes flow_out_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out IPV4 by bytes flow_out_ipv4_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out IPV4 by packets flow_out_ipv4_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out IPV6 by bytes flow_out_ipv6_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out IPV6 by packets flow_out_ipv6_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out by bytes which are not UDP or TCP flow_out_other_l4_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out by packets which are not UDP or TCP flow_out_other_l4_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out by packets flow_out_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out TCP by bytes flow_out_tcp_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out TCP by packets flow_out_tcp_packets counters + by_packets
Count of out UDP by bytes flow_out_udp_bytes counters + by_bytes
Count of out UDP by packets flow_out_udp_packets counters + by_packets
Count of total flows records seen that did not match the configured filter(s) (if any) flow_records_filtered counters
Count of total flows records that match the configured filter(s) (if any) flow_records_flows counters
Top ASNs by IP by bytes flow_top_asn_bytes top_geo + by_bytes
Top ASNs by IP by packets flow_top_asn_packets top_geo + by_packets
Top source IP addresses and port by bytes flow_top_conversations_bytes conversations + by_bytes
Top source IP addresses and port by packets flow_top_conversations_packets conversations + by_packets
Top GeoIP locations by bytes flow_top_geo_loc_bytes top_geo + by_bytes
Top GeoIP locations by packets flow_top_geo_loc_packets top_geo + by_packets
Top in destination IP addresses and port by bytes flow_top_in_dst_ip_ports_bytes top_ips_ports + by_bytes
Top in destination IP addresses and port by packets flow_top_in_dst_ip_ports_packets top_ips_ports + by_packets
Top in destination IP addresses by bytes flow_top_in_dst_ips_bytes top_ips + by_bytes
Top in destination IP addresses by packets flow_top_in_dst_ips_packets top_ips + by_packets
Top in destination ports by bytes flow_top_in_dst_ports_bytes top_ports + by_bytes
Top in destination ports by packets flow_top_in_dst_ports_packets top_ports + by_packets
Top input interfaces by bytes flow_top_in_interfaces_bytes top_interfaces + by_bytes
Top input interfaces by packets flow_top_in_interfaces_packets top_interfaces + by_packets
Top in source IP addresses and port by bytes flow_top_in_src_ip_ports_bytes top_ips_ports + by_bytes
Top in source IP addresses and port by packets flow_top_in_src_ip_ports_packets top_ips_ports + by_packets
Top in source IP addresses by bytes flow_top_in_src_ips_bytes top_ips + by_bytes
Top in source IP addresses by packets flow_top_in_src_ips_packets top_ips + by_packets
Top in source ports by bytes flow_top_in_src_ports_bytes top_ports + by_bytes
Top in source ports by packets flow_top_in_src_ports_packets top_ports + by_packets
Top out destination IP addresses and port by bytes flow_top_out_dst_ip_ports_bytes top_ips_ports + by_bytes
Top out destination IP addresses and port by packets flow_top_out_dst_ip_ports_packets top_ips_ports + by_packets
Top out destination IP addresses by bytes flow_top_out_dst_ips_bytes top_ips + by_bytes
Top out destination IP addresses by packets flow_top_out_dst_ips_packets top_ips + by_packets
Top out destination ports by bytes flow_top_out_dst_ports_bytes top_ports + by_bytes
Top out destination ports by packets flow_top_out_dst_ports_packets top_ports + by_packets
Top output interfaces by bytes flow_top_out_interfaces_bytes top_interfaces + by_bytes
Top output interfaces by packets flow_top_out_interfaces_packets top_interfaces + by_packets
Top out source IP addresses and port by bytes flow_top_out_src_ip_ports_bytes top_ips_ports + by_bytes
Top out source IP addresses and port by packets flow_top_out_src_ip_ports_packets top_ips_ports + by_packets
Top out source IP addresses by bytes flow_top_out_src_ips_bytes top_ips + by_bytes
Top out source IP addresses by packets flow_top_out_src_ips_packets top_ips + by_packets
Top out source ports by bytes flow_top_out_src_ports_bytes top_ports + by_bytes
Top out source ports by packets flow_top_out_src_ports_packets top_ports + by_packets
Top in DSCP by bytes flow_top_in_dscp_bytes top_tos + by_bytes
Top out DSCP by bytes flow_top_out_dscp_bytes top_tos + by_bytes
Top in ECN by bytes flow_top_in_ecn_bytes top_tos + by_bytes
Top out ECN by bytes flow_top_out_ecn_bytes top_tos + by_bytes
Top in DSCP by packets flow_top_in_dscp_packets top_tos + by_packets
Top out DSCP by packets flow_top_out_dscp_packets top_tos + by_packets
Top in ECN by packets flow_top_in_ecn_packets top_tos + by_packets
Top out ECN by packets flow_top_out_ecn_packets top_tos + by_packets

Netprobe Metrics [BETA]

Check how to activate/deactivate netprobe metrics


Status: Beta. The metric names and configuration options may still change

Metric Prometheus Name Metric Groups
Quantiles of Net Probe quantile in microseconds netprobe_response_quantiles_us quantiles
Total sum of Net Probe quantile in microseconds netprobe_response_quantiles_us_sum quantiles
Count of Net Probe quantile in microseconds netprobe_response_quantiles_us_count quantiles
Total Net Probe attempts netprobe_attempts counters
Total Net Probe failures when performed DNS lookup netprobe_dns_lookup_failures counters
Total Net Probe failures when performing a TCP socket connection netprobe_connect_failures counters
Total Net Probe timeout transactions netprobe_packets_timeout counters
Maximum response time measured in the reporting interval netprobe_response_max_us counters + (quantiles or histograms)
Minimum response time measured in the reporting interval netprobe_response_min_us counters + (quantiles or histograms)
Total Net Probe successes netprobe_successes counters
Cumulative counters for the buckets of Net Probe histogram in microseconds netprobe_response_histogram_us_bucket histograms
Count of events of Net Probe histogram in microseconds netprobe_response_histogram_us_count histograms